The List: A Right Fiction Podcast

Replay Episode (with added surprises!)- E18 Christmas Albums

Episode Notes

It’s Christmas time!  The most wonderful time of year…. You have that feeling of family and love …. That nice winter chill is in the air, cinnamon and nutmeg are flowing like wine, all your favorite Christmas movies are on TV, and of course while you are baking, or eating, your holiday cookies… you are listening to your favorite Christmas music… 

A lot of folks start listening to Christmas music in late December, not us…. We start in September.  We just love Christmas music!!!  So that is why this is a very special episode of The List: A Right Fiction Podcast because today we are going all in on our favorite Christmas albums.  We wanna give you all the best music to listen to this holiday season, so this is a can’t miss episode!   So…. hangout with us for a bit….. Let the nutmeg wash over you and enjoy the show.

Spotify Playlist: Christmas Albums